Delivery of spare parts

Era replacement, Puls spare parts

Era stopped the production of 50/60 Hz transformers in 2011. Save yourself the trouble of changing the layout. We deliver identically constructed transformers for e.g. the following series:

020-xxxx-x (or BV020-xxxx-x)
030-xxxx-x (or BV030-xxxx-x)
038-xxxx-x (or BV038-xxxx-x)
042-xxxx-x (or BV042-xxxx-x)
054-xxxx-x (or BV054-xxxx-x)

We deliver every amount, also 1 piece. Feel free to send an inquiry.

The company Graupner Transformatoren doesn’t exist since 2011 anymore. You are looking for spare parts? Here we also deliver identically constructed types.

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